Selasa, 07 Juni 2011

Uptu Scholarship DAAD / NRF In-Country Scholarships for South African Citizens

Uptu Scholarship Applicants must obtain an average value of the accumulation of 65% and above for consideration.
-Female candidates and those belonging to disadvantaged groups has historically been strongly encouraged to apply.
-Age limit 36 ​​years at the time of the application applies.
-Applicants can be from any field of study has strong relevance to national development. Fields include: natural sciences, mathematics, ICT, engineering, agricultural science, applied social sciences. Uptu Scholarship Humanities and fine arts are exempt from this program. However, application of Humanities may be considered if these studies have focused social.
-Applicants who already have qualified for the level of funding they are applying for does not qualify.

Open Scholarship for International Students: None

Scholarship Description: This Uptu Scholarship is designed for two-year Master's program full-time or three-year doctorate studies. Note: The initial award is for one year only. As a follow up to the awards the annual progress report will be completed by the proposed research supervisor and submitted to the NRF through financial aid university / post graduate / research office.

How to Apply: Online

Scholarship Application Deadline: August 15, 2011

Further Scholarship Information and Application

1 komentar:

  1. SCHOLARSHIP,List of Free Scholarships,uptu scholarship,coca cola scholarship,scholarship applications, scholarship for international students,College Scholarship
