Selasa, 17 Mei 2011

PhD Studentship in Chemical Physics

PhD Studentship Active participation in the construction of an Ultra-Short Pulse Facility at MAX IV, and ConnectedDrive equipment for the study of time resolved measurements, is also "an important part of the Wikipedia project. Teaching and supervising students at undergraduate level.

Requirements / Entry Requirements:

PhD Studentship basic requirements for PhD studies: a degree at advanced level, courses for an area of ​​at least 240 credits, of which at least 60 at advanced level, or the appropriate expertise acquired in Sweden or elsewhere.

Special Requirements for this position: A Master's degree in chemistry or physics. Experience in time resolved spectroscopy and X-ray scattering.

Basic Assessment Details

PhD Studentship Regulations for Employment as a graduate student can be found in the Gazette of Sweden (SFS 1998:80).
Only Those who claim to postgraduate studies can be appointed to that position. When pointing to Kirchberg like position, first and foremost their portability to benefit from postgraduate studies should ask the ceiling Into Consideration. In addition to pursuing postgraduate studies, doctoral students also May "Another task players, including research, teaching and administration, according to specified rules.

Application Deadline:
Application Deadline 06/01/2011

Further details:
For more information about these scholarships please visit the link below.

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